stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

Increasing Longevity of E-Textiles

The challenge of longevity as with any electronic device, e-textiles face the challenge of limited lifespan. With technological advancements happening at a rapid pace, e-textiles can quickly become outdated, leaving users with a product that no longer meets their needs. Additionally, the integration of electronic components into textiles poses challenges when it comes to maintenance and repair. These factors contribute to the growing issue of electronic waste and the strain it places on our environment.

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stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

3D Size Standards and Their Impact to Apparel Brands

The fashion industry has been notoriously slow to adopt sustainable practices, but one area where sustainable innovation is beginning to take hold is in 3D size standards. By using 3D scanning and virtual fitting technologies, brands can create more accurate size standards, reducing waste and improving the customer experience. In this blog post, we will explore how 3D size standards impact sustainability, brand messaging, and the bottom line for apparel brands.

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stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

Fibers and Fabrics of the Future

The world of textiles is constantly evolving, with new fibers and fabrics emerging all the time. From sustainable and eco-friendly options to high-tech textiles that can sense and react to the environment, the future of fibers and fabrics is exciting and full of potential.

Here are some of the fibers and fabrics of the future that we can expect to see more of in the years to come:

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stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

The Importance of Fit Testing in Comparison to User Testing

We always say, if a product doesn’t fit the body, it won’t be worn, no matter how cute the design. It ultimately plays in your subconscious when picking what to wear. As creatures of comfort, we will ultimately seek comfortable apparel and wearables.

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stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

Working with an External Design and Development Company Within the Apparel Industry

Working with an external design and development company can be a great way to expand your business and access new ideas and expertise. Defining your goals and expectations for a project before you start working with an external design and development company is important. This can include things like timelines, budget, and desired outcomes. Are you looking for help with product design, prototyping, manufacturing, or all the above?

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stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

Augmented reality for textile design, garment design and marketing

The integration of Augmented Reality (AR) for textile design, garment design and marketing involves the integration of virtual elements, such as images and animations, into the real-world view of textiles and clothing. This technology enhances the visual representation of textiles and clothing and provides an immersive shopping experience for consumers.

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stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

What is true innovation?

The term "innovation" gets thrown around quite frequently by people, companies, and brands. All vying for attention. But what is the definition? Our definition, is the process of taking an idea, applying it, scaling it, and communicating it in a way that resonates with the target consumer. It is the fundamental way a company adapts and evolves to stay relevant. The consumer must see, touch, or feel the innovation and perceive its added value or it is not a real solution.

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