stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

The UN's Call for Responsible Fashion Marketing: Navigating Overconsumption towards Sustainability

The UN's call to halt the promotion of overconsumption through fashion marketing marks a pivotal step towards embracing more sustainable practices. By shifting the focus from amassing new items to cherishing quality, timeless pieces, the industry can chart a course towards a more sustainable future. Encouraging mindful consumption and advocating for eco-friendly fashion choices will prove essential in realizing the industry's sustainability aspirations.

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stephanie muhlenfeld stephanie muhlenfeld

What is true innovation?

The term "innovation" gets thrown around quite frequently by people, companies, and brands. All vying for attention. But what is the definition? Our definition, is the process of taking an idea, applying it, scaling it, and communicating it in a way that resonates with the target consumer. It is the fundamental way a company adapts and evolves to stay relevant. The consumer must see, touch, or feel the innovation and perceive its added value or it is not a real solution.

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